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Tanya Saha Gupta

Tanya Saha GuptaGet Tickets

Navigating Sustainability In A Capitalist World

Tanya Saha Gupta, Founder & CEO of tech startup Resale Future, empowering fashion brands with access to circularity.

Growing up in India, Tanya was exposed to the realities of the fashion industry. She witnessed the incredible craftsmanship of local artisans and the vibrant celebration of fashion, but also the environmental degradation caused by the booming textile industry. Given a life-changing scholarship, Tanya had the opportunity to move to the UK where the difference in consumption was stark: fast-fashion in the West fuelled a one-time-wear culture & perfect clothing was thrown away.

She began her career as an Investment Banker, working with tech companies to grow & raise financing. This gave her a deep understanding of the potential of the sharing economy and the future role of AI in creating seamless customer experiences. This is when Resale Future was born, an innovative solution to underutilised closets, where customers can now list items for sale under 20 seconds.

She believes fashion is an important form of self-expression, representing not only how individuals present themselves to the world but also what they stand for. Through Resale Future, she is creating a world where no one stands for landfills overflowing with underutilised garments.

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