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Suniti Marwaha-Sharma

Suniti Marwaha-SharmaGet Tickets

Opening The Door on Closed Conversations - United in Grief

Death is the final, certain and inevitable end of life, yet nothing seems to prepare us for it. When coupled with a lack of societal understanding, those grieving often struggle to support themselves and each other; I bring to you the concept of uniting in our grief. Though we all grieve differently and our experiences are unique, so much of what we feel is the same.

People think that grief is about missing a person; in fact, it’s a lot more complex. The loss of a person creates an aftermath, leaving us to navigate our journey through ‘Grief Mountain’. It affects external & internal factors; our home, family, work, our personality, perspective and mindset.

I will explain why grief affects us in this way, how we can use our mind and body to influence our outcomes and how, ultimately, we can learn to control the aspects of our life that we can influence.

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