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Joel Gujral

Joel GujralGet Tickets

The Link Between The Mind & Gut

Joel Gujral is 29 years old and the Founder & CEO of a mental health startup MYNDUP. Joel founded the company in April 2019 after his own mental health battle due to an undiagnosed gut condition and he struggled to access support when working at a global corporate company that offered counselling only. He then set up MYNDUP to stop the one size fits all approach to mental health and also change the way organisations were dealing with this by removing all barriers to care.

Joel bootstrapped the company with £105 and grew it to a £25m business in 3 years raising £5m of funding along the way. MYNDUP is now servicing 50,000 employees in 50 countries with brands like Dentons, McCann, Savills, CVC & The Princes Trust.

Joel has won several awards during his entrepreneurial journey including:

-Winner of the Barclays Start-up Entrepreneur of the Year Award

-Winner of the London Stock Exchange Group Entrepreneurship Programme

-Top 100 Asian Stars in UK Tech 2023 listed as a top 5 UK startup

Joel has a passion for both mental health and gut health and the interaction between the two and has spoken worldwide to thousands of people at events run by RBC, The Prince’s Trust and NatWest.

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